The Need For Our Work

Perhaps your organisation is the exception to the rule, but we see leaders everywhere with the balance wrong.  Too much of their time spent in unproductive meetings, low quality conversations, making safe choices or engaging in clumsy conflict, attending to the urgent rather than the important, drawn into meaningless bureaucracy and self-protective behaviours.  Too little of the stuff that makes people proud and actually makes a difference.  Leaders spending too little time actually leading; burnt out when they should be burning with ambition.

We’re not fans of the heroic “great leader” worldview.  What we believe is that your organisation will do better and be better if all of your leaders spend more of their time doing good work and great work and less time doing simply work, or worse, bad work

While we tend to work at the most senior levels in organisations, we’re more interested in the idea of leadership as an act rather than a position. Our focus is on helping organisations foster leadership acts at every level through both personal behavioural choices and systemic changes that create "leaderful" cultures.

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